You found me because you want to change your body through strength training. But as soon as I enter your life, be it through my articles, killer Instagram posts, or as your coach...
Things start to shift for you in ways never imagined.
I'm the little fairy fit mother who tips over that giant pot of goals you've hoarded in the corner for years and sorts them out.
Fitness isn’t about the hour you spend in the gym. It’s about the other 23 hours in your day and how you choose to live them.
It’s easy to get fixated on what you believe your body can and cannot do.
I want you to realize that you are so much more than your body and this journey is so much BIGGER than you think.
I believe there are three certainties in life. You are born. You die. You get one body.
What you choose to do with that body between those two calendar dates determines the life you are going to live.
You only have so much time here. How much of that time do you want to spend not liking your body?